2015 EPNS Training Courses
The EPNS has been organising training courses in paediatric neurology since 2003 specifically aiming at trainees but also at qualified paediatric neurologists who want to refresh their knowledge on certain topics. The aim is to cover most main topics in the syllabus over a three year cycle and to promote contact between individuals in the speciality in different parts of Europe. The 3 year cycle of training courses in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was completed in May 2014. The training courses for the 3 year cycle 2015-2017 will be taking place in Budapest, Hungary. The 2015 EPNS Training courses took place in March 2015.

The EPNS training courses in Budapest took place 24-27 March 2015: 76 participants from 21 countries; many friendships were started. We have received some excellent feedback. Thank you to Katalin Hollódy, Coriene Catsman-Berrevoets, and the local team of organisers for making fantastic arrangements. Moreover thanks to all the faculty members, and participants for contributing to make the courses such a success. The course content was superb andthe social program was amazing. More course photos have been uploaded to the ’EPNS Training Course Budapest’ group on Facebook. Please feel free to join the group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1572639296317721/

IMPORTANT: EPNS courses are only available to EPNS members who have paid their current year annual subscription fee. If you are not a member, please email info@epns.info for more information.