A core goal of the EPNS is to promote training in the field of Paediatric Neurology. As a result, the EPNS has a small budget to support a limited number of educational events which are taking place as part of A NATIONAL PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY MEETING IN EUROPE. The allocated budget allows the EPNS to support a maximum of 3 events in each calendar year. Applications will be considered on a first come first served basis.

Applications for support  for events taking place in the current year are now being accepted. 

In order to be considered for EPNS support, the educational event must meet the following criteria:

  • The main point of contact in the country hosting the educational event must be a fully paid up member of the EPNS.
  • The host country must be in Europe. This is taken as the region for which the European Office of WHO is responsible http://www.euro.who.int/en/countries
  • The educational event must be taking place as part of A NATIONAL PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY MEETING
  • At the end of the educational event, the EPNS request that photos and a brief report are provided which can be shared with EPNS members.

This initiative does not cover the cost of bursaries.

The EPNS is open to suggestions about the type of support provided. However, previous events have been supported by the EPNS paying for the travel for one, two or three EPNS Board representatives to attend the educational meeting as speakers. The local organisers paid for the accommodation and catering for the EPNS Board representatives, and made the local arrangements on their behalf. Please note that sufficient notice is required in order to invite representatives to attend meetings, and therefore applications sent in advance of 12 months before the event are preferable. As acknowledgement for our support, the EPNS would kindly request a prominent endorsement of the EPNS in the programme, and the opportunity for the EPNS representatives to give a brief presentation to promote the benefits of being a member of the EPNS.

IMPORTANT: The EPNS shall bear no organisational, financial or legal responsibility for any aspect related to a supported event, including correspondence with the supported EPNS Speakers regarding logistics and their availability. If, due to any reason, an EPNS supported Speaker is forced to cancel, the local organising team take full responsibility and the EPNS shall be in no way liable.  If an application for support is successful, the only role performed by the EPNS is to promote the event via the EPNS membership and arrange reimbursement of the agreed expenses. All supported speakers are strongly recommended to have appropriate insurance cover.

In order to apply please complete the Request for EPNS to support an educational event Application Form and send to info@epns.info

Click below to see the events supported by the EPNS:

EPNS supported events 2024

EPNS supported events 2023

EPNS supported events 2022

EPNS supported events 2021 

EPNS supported events 2020 

EPNS supported events 2019

EPNS supported events 2018