EPNS Congress 2023: congratulations!
We are delighted to announce that the 15th EPNS Congress will take place at the Prague Conference Centre, Prague, Czech Republic on 20-24 June 2023 Theme: from genome and connectome to cure.
DetailsWe are delighted to announce that the 15th EPNS Congress will take place at the Prague Conference Centre, Prague, Czech Republic on 20-24 June 2023 Theme: from genome and connectome to cure.
DetailsAward for the Best Oral Presentation: ‘Genotype-phenotype correlations in Italian patients with KCNQ2-related Epileptic Encephalopathy’ presented to Dr Anna Balagura from Italy. Award for the Best Poster: ‘Expanding the neurological spectrum of Seipin Deficiency (BSCL2), a complex lipid defect’ presented to Dr Alejandra Darling from Spain. Sincere congratulations! Both have been awarded with free registration…
DetailsApplication period for EPNS Visiting Teacher 2020 is now open Closing date for EPNS Visiting Teacher 2020: 1 November 2019 The concept of the EPNS Visiting Teacher initiative: A volunteer professor / senior/ distinguished member of the EPNS, from Europe who is a recognised expert in a certain field, visits a nominated host centre in a country in Europe…
DetailsUn artículo de PINO ALBEROLA Lieven Lagae es uno de los mayores expertos a nivel mundial en epilepsia infantil, un trastorno que afecta a un uno por ciento de los niños y que supone el mayor motivo de visita a las consultas de los neuropediatras. Recientemente, Lagae estuvo en Alicante para hablar sobre los últimos avances…
DetailsEuropean Journal of Paediatric Neurology (EJPN) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-journal-of-paediatric-neurology/ … Official Journal of the EPNS Impact Factor 2018 released: 2.5 Up by 5.7% from 2017 Impact Factor.
DetailsAuthor’s registration deadline extended: new deadline is 18 June 2019 http://www.epns2019.org/