Congratulations: Barcelona EPNS Congress 2027!
Sincere congratulations to the Barcelona team for presenting a great bid – we already are looking forward to EPNS Congress 2027 in this amazing city!
Sincere congratulations to the Barcelona team for presenting a great bid – we already are looking forward to EPNS Congress 2027 in this amazing city!
what a wonderful 15th EPNS Congress! Held at the Prague Conference Centre, Prague, Czech Republic on 20-24 June 2023 with the theme ‘from genome and connectome to cure.’ THANK YOU TO ALL INVOLVED! EPNS 2023 Congress’ Book of Abstracts: CLICK HERE Photo Gallery: CLICK HERE
Details..and we are looking forward welcoming our EPNS Congress participants from 20 – 24 June to the beautiful city of Prague! THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER: With cutting edge science and an exciting line-up of expert speakers, you will learn about the latest updates on developing technologies, clinical applications, and practical solutions in child neurology. Just as important,…
DetailsThank you to Luka Kopac, Georgia Ramantani, Ilona Kopyta (EPNS Board member) and Christopher Newman for participating in this nice joint session entitled ‘Rehabilitation after epilepsy surgery’ at the recent EACD congress.
In May 2022 the WHO Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other neurological disorders 2022-2031 was adopted by the World health Assembly thus acknowledging that neurological diseases are the fastest-growing causes of death throughout the life-span in comparison to other non-communicable diseases and a major cause of disability adjusted life years. The current increased global…
DetailsSincere thanks to Dana Craiu and Jurgis Strautmanis for their wonderful organisation, the 4 moderators for their excellent facilitation (Barbara Plecko and Michel Willemsen for the Neurometabolics course AND Lieven Lagae and Dana Craiu for the Epilepsy course) and all the faculty members for delivering an inspirational programme. Our heartfelt thanks go to all the participants…