EPNS Research Meeting: Abstract and Bursary Submission Period closed
8th EPNS Research Meeting Ljubljana, Slovenia 17-18 October 2024 ABSTRACT submission & BURSARY application period EXTENDED until 7 April 2024 Successful abstract presenters will be awarded FREE REGISTRATION https://www.epns.info/epns-research-meeting-2024/
DetailsThe EPNS is thrilled to offer a free prize draw to give our fully paid EPNS members the chance to win a FREE registration ticket to EPNS Congress 8-12 July 2025 in Munich where you will be part of this unique ABC format to learn, meet and exchange ideas on an international stage https://www.epns.info/epns-free-prize-draw-2024/
DetailsAbstract submission period CLOSES 30 MARCH 2024 Bursary application period CLOSES 30 MARCH 2024 Ljubljana, Slovenia on 17-18 October 2024. A forum for researchers in Paediatric Neurology, where experienced professionals and young researchers get together for interactive discussions around the presented topics. Attend 3 Plenary lectures and 2 of the 8 Working Groups Registration will open in…
DetailsThe EPNS Advocacy and Collaboration committee has the following aims: Raise the voice of Child Neurology and promote the goals of the EPNS. Advocate at the highest level for the life-course approach to brain health from antenatal influences on brain development, childhood onto later life. Develop fruitful collaborations with related societies
DetailsA learning platform designed to provide our EPNS members with a ‘one stop shop’ access to all EPNS resources, such as webinar recordings and presentations used at EPNS congresses and training courses.