Visiting Teacher 2024 applications have now be awarded! For more information please visit: Visiting Teacher 2024

Application period for 2025 now closed

The concept of the EPNS Visiting Teacher initiative:  A volunteer professor / senior/ distinguished member of the EPNS, from Europe who is a recognised expert in a certain field, visits a nominated host centre in a country in Europe which is classified by the World Bank per capita income group 1, 2 or 3, or EPNS category WB4B (email for clarification) for a short stay of intense teaching. Travel and stay will be supported by EPNS. It may be considered that these visits will take place annually thereafter, if the first visit proves to be a success.

Number of EPNS Visiting Teacher 2025 opportunities available: 4

EPNS Visiting Teacher length of visit: 3 days is recommended.

EPNS Visiting Teacher budget per visit: up to 2,500 Euros, depending on the length of the journey and how accessible the location of the host hospital is. Receipts must be provided for all expenses, and all expenses can be claimed back after the visit has been completed.

EPNS Visiting Teacher – costs covered by the EPNS.

  • Hotel costs in a standard hotel (maximum 5 nights)
  • Economy return flights
  • Transport to/from the airport
  • Transport to/from the place of ‘work’
  • Meals/drinks for the visiting teacher during the stay

2 ways for the Host Country to find a suitable Visitor:

  • The host country locates a suitable expert and approaches them directly.
  • The host country asks the EPNS President or Education & Training Chair to intermediate on their behalf to find a Visitor who is willing to help on certain topic.
  • for both 2 above options, please complete the application form (below) and email

 Conditions of the EPNS Visiting Teacher Scheme: The Host Country

  • The host country must be classified by the World Bank as income group 1,2 or 3 (i.e. a country which DOES NOT appear on the World Bank list of high income economies 2023 list) or EPNS category WB4B – highlighted in blue. (email for clarification).
  • The host country must be in Europe (using the countries in the WHO European region
  • The host country must appoint a senior colleague to act as the main point of contact.
  • The main contact in the host country must liaise directly with the visiting teacher and take responsibility for the organisation and success of the visit.
  • The main contact in the host country must be a fully paid up EPNS member.
  • Colleagues in the host country benefiting from the visit should be encouraged to join the EPNS.
  • The Visiting Teacher must have agreed to the proposed dates of the visit before the application form is submitted.
  • The Visiting Teacher must send a letter to support the application confirming their availability during the year applied for.

Conditions of the EPNS Visiting Teacher Scheme: The Visiting Teacher

  • The visiting teacher must be a professor / senior/ distinguished colleague who is a recognised expert in a certain field of paediatric neurology.
  • It is recommended that the visiting teacher is a fully paid up EPNS member.
  • The visiting teacher must currently reside in Europe (using the countries in the WHO European region
  • The visiting teacher must be fluent in the mutually agreed language which will be used during the visit.
  • The visiting teacher must provide a cost calculation for the visit (this is part of the application form)

Conditions of the EPNS Visiting Teacher Scheme: both parties

  • Ideally the visiting teacher and main contact in the host country should meet each other before the start of the visit (e.g., at a scientific meeting, at a training course or have video conferences etc.), to discuss and plan the visit, and set expectations.
  • The host country must prepare a programme of teaching, expert outpatient clinics, teaching rounds in the ward etc. in advance of the visit, in close consultation with the visiting teacher.
  • The visiting teacher and main contact in the host country must agree in advance who will participate in the visit (e.g. fellows, young paediatric neurologists, paediatricians etc.)
  • The visiting teacher and main contact in the host country must agree in advance what needs to be planned to make the visit a success.
  • The visit must take place in 2025

How to apply: 

  • Complete: application form: applications now closed
  • Send the completed application form to

 What happens after an application has been sent?

  • All applications received by the closing date will be considered by the EPNS selection committee.
  • All applicants will receive an email to tell them the outcome of their application.
  • Decisions are final and are not subject to review or appeal.
  • If the applicant has asked the EPNS to help identify a suitable Visiting Teacher, the EPNS will contact the applicant as soon as possible.

What happens if the application is successful?

  • Details of the planned visit will be added to the EPNS website, included in EPNS communications and Twitter
  • The visiting teacher will be sent an expense claim form to claim back all expenses after the visit has been completed. Receipts must be provided for each item claimed.
  • The host will be asked to submit a short report / evaluation after the visit has been completed and a selection of photos. The report should be no more than 300 words.

IMPORTANT: The EPNS shall bear no organisational, financial, or legal responsibility for any aspect related to the EPNS Visiting Teacher event, including correspondence with the supported EPNS Teacher regarding logistics and their availability. If, due to any reason, an EPNS Visiting Teacher is forced to cancel, the local organising team take full responsibility and the EPNS shall be in no way liable.  The only role performed by the EPNS is to arrange reimbursement of the agreed expenses, assist in promoting the EPNS and collate/share the feedback after the event.

Please email with any enquiries