The concept of the EPNS Visiting Teacher initiative:  A volunteer professor / senior/ distinguished member of the EPNS, from Europe who is a recognised expert in a certain field, visits a nominated host centre in a country in Europe which is classified by the World Bank per capita income group 1, 2 or 3, or EPNS category WB4B (email for clarification) for a short stay of intense teaching. Travel and stay will be supported by EPNS. It may be considered that these visits will take place annually thereafter, if the first visit proves to be a success.

Thank you to all our applicants and we are delighted to announce the EPNS will be supporting the following in 2025:

  • EPNS Visiting Teacher Pasquale Striano will visit Georgia 27 April – 1 May 2025
  • EPNS Visiting Teacher Tally Lerman-Sagie will visit Slovenia 9 – 11 October 2025
  • EPNS Visiting Teacher Manoëlle Kossorotoff will visit Romania 9 – 11 October 2025