Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the EPNS:
Who do I contact if I still have a question?
Simply email and we will be happy to help.
What is the EPNS?
The EPNS is an international and independent non-profit making Society for physicians, health professionals, scientists, and students with research and/or clinical interest in Paediatric Neurology. Our mission is to promote excellence in patient care, research, and education to improve the neurological outcome of children and young people in Europe and across the world. CLICK HERE to learn more
Who can apply to join the EPNS?
The EPNS welcomes physicians/medical doctors and trainee/residents specialising in Paediatric Neurology. The EPNS welcomes the following who have a research and/or clinical interest in Paediatric Neurology: physicians/medical doctors in other fields, trainee/ residents in other fields, health professionals, nurses, neuroscientists, other clinical specialists, PhD students and medical students.
How do I join the EPNS?
It is easy! Simply complete and submit the online application form: CLICK HERE
What period is covered when the EPNS membership is paid?
EPNS membership fees (also known as subscription fees) are payable each year and cover the period 1 January until 31 December.
How much do I pay for EPNS membership?
The EPNS Membership Fee paid depends on several factors. CLICK HERE to learn more
What benefits are EPNS members who have paid this year’s EPNS membership fee entitled to?
CLICK HERE to learn more and/or check out our EPNS membership factsheet: CLICK HERE
How do I pay my EPNS membership fee?
To pay your fee there are 2 main options. CLICK HERE to learn more
How do I qualify for the Trainee/Resident and Medical Student membership?
Send a supporting letter from your tutor confirming that you are a trainee/resident/medical student and the date your training is expected to be completed. Your tutor must send a letter of support every 2 years thereafter until the expected completion date of your training has been reached. This will ensure you continue to qualify for the trainee/resident/medical student rate. Your supporting letter can be emailed to
What do I do if I am no longer a Trainee/Resident and Medical Student membership?
If your trainee/resident/medical student letter has expired, you must email to confirm you are no longer a trainee/resident/medical student.
How do I qualify for the discounted membership fee rate available to full time PhD students, Allied Health Professionals, Nurses, Neuroscientists & other Clinical Specialists?
To qualify for this type of membership, the member must provide details of their role at the application stage before the discounted rate is approved.
What is the difference between Associate and Ordinary membership and when if Ordinary membership granted?
The only difference between associate and ordinary membership is the entitlement of ordinary members to vote for and stand as candidates for election to the Board of The Society. The transition from Associate to Ordinary membership takes place by the vote of the general assembly at the meeting of The Society. This meeting is held at the EPNS congress every second year. CLICK HERE to learn more
What do I do if I can not remember my login details?
Simply email and we will be happy to help.
How can I network with colleagues who share an interest in paediatric neurology?
The EPNS has many opportunities to network, for example EPNS Congresses, EPNS Research Meetings and EPNS Training Courses
I have paid this year’s EPNS membership fee, how do I access the online European Journal of Paediatric Neurology (EJPN)?
The EJPN is the official journal of the EPNS and is available to all members who have paid their current year EPNS membership fee in electronic format. It is also available in printed format, depending on the membership fee paid. To access the electronic format, CLICK HERE to login to the EPNS website and click on the ‘Online Journal’ button. CLICK HERE to learn more or simply email and we will be happy to help.
I have paid this year’s EPNS membership fee, how do I access the EPNS Moodle?
The EPNS Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide our fully paid up EPNS members with a ‘one stop shop’ learning environment where they can find all EPNS educational and scientific resources. CLICK HERE to login to the EPNS website and click on the ‘EPNS Moodle’ button. CLICK HERE to learn more or simply email and we will be happy to help.