
A new concept for the EPNS has been developed to certify that EPNS Exam holders have obtained and demonstrated a recognised standard of knowledge of Paediatric Neurology. In 2021 and 2022, two formative trial exams took place, followed by the first summative EPNS Exam on 20 June 2023 in-person only in Prague, Czech Republic. This was immediately before the Opening Ceremony of the 15th EPNS Congress.

What are the benefits of taking the EPNS Exam?

The EPNS Exam assesses the basic knowledge needed to underpin Paediatric Neurology training. The EPNS Exam will benefit Paediatric Neurology trainees/residents who are qualified physicians and have completed at least 2 years training and established registered Paediatric Neurologists who currently practice in the field of Paediatric Neurology and would like an assessment of their continuing knowledge. Also established registered Paediatric Neurologists who currently practice in the field of PN can have an assessment of the continuing knowledge.

Achieving a pass in the EPNS Exam is an excellent personal goal in this area of specialised medicine. Candidates who have passed the EPNS Exam have an additional qualification which may be an advantage when applying for a new role. It is important to note that this is not an official European exam and to be eligible for the exam you must already be a qualified Paediatric Neurologist or trainee Paediatric Neurologist (please read full details of eligibility below) The EPNS exam is for candidates wanting to test their knowledge, including those in countries without a nationally recognised exit exam, will find it very helpful

Organising Team:

Dr Dewi Bakker, Netherlands: Co EPNS Exam Chair

Professor Maja Steinlin, Switzerland: Co EPNS Exam Chair

Professor Dana Craiu, Romania: Chair EPNS Education and Training Committee

Dr Coriene Catsman Berrevoets, Netherlands: past Chair EPNS Education and Training Committee

Dr Rob Forsyth, United Kingdom: EPNS Secretary

With the support of the Committee of National Training Advisors and the EPNS Education and Training Committee

To participate in the EPNS Exam:

You do not need to be an EPNS member. You must belong to one of the following 2 categories:

  1. Residents/trainees in Paediatric Neurology with at least 2 years of training, at the time of the EPNS Exam (8 July 2025) and who are already qualified physicians and. Note: Candidates and their tutor/trainer will need to sign the detailed registration form of confirmation to complete registration.
  2. Registered as a specialist Paediatric Neurologist and currently working in a major commitment in the field of Paediatric Neurology. Note: Candidates will need to sign a proforma of confirmation to complete registration




To be added to the EPNS Exam waiting list, in case any candidates withdraw their registration, send the following information by email to 

  1. Title:
  2. First Name:
  3. Last Name:
  4. Email address:
  5. Country you practice in:
  6. Are you an EPNS member who has paid the 2025 EPNS Membership fee?

The EPNS is delighted to announce that the EPNS Exam registration fees for the 2025 exam have continued to be substantially discounted and subsidised by the EPNS. Fees are likely to increase for future EPNS Exams.

All you need to know about the EPNS Exam

Date: Tuesday 8 July 2025
Time: starts at 14:00h for approx. 3 to 4 hours. Immediately before the Opening Ceremony of the 16th EPNS Congress –

Language: English only

Topics of questions: see EPNS Learning Objectives and  EPNS Training Guide

Venue: Munich congress centre – Room 4 in the ICM North

Number of places: maximum 50 persons, accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Participation: in-person only. Virtual participation is not possible.

Who is the EPNS Exam aimed at? Qualified physicians with at least 2 years of training in Paediatric Neurology: from trainees/residents to senior registered Paediatric Neurologists who currently work in a major commitment in the field of paediatric neurology and would like to retest their knowledge.

Proof of identity: All candidates will be required to identify themselves by showing their original passport on the day of the EPNS Exam and the candidates’ name given on the EPNS ONLINE registration form and EPNS DETAILED Registration form must exactly match the passport name.


EPNS Exam registration fees:

Residents/trainees with at least 2 years of training in Paediatric Neurology, on 8 July 2025, who are already physicians. Registered Paediatric Neurologists currently working in the field of Paediatric Neurology
EPNS members ## 150 Euros 300 Euros
Non EPNS members 200 Euros 450 Euros

## EPNS members must have paid the 2024 membership fee at the time of registration and pay the 2025 membership fee when the period for payments opens.

**Join the EPNS to day Any queries email

Preparation/revision: the EPNS Exam covered a broad range of Paediatric Neurology and was based on the  EPNS Learning Objectives and  EPNS Training Guide

It was strongly advised that the EPNS webinar series video recordings were viewed email for information.

Recommended reading: to supplement the EPNS Learning Objectives and EPNS Training Guide, it was recommended but not essential that candidates read the following books:

  • Aicardi’s Diseases of the Nervous System in Childhood – Clinics in Developmental Medicine by Alexis Arzimanoglou, Anne O’ Hare
  • Paediatric Neurology by Rob Forsyth and Richard Newton
  • Fenichel’s Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A Signs and Symptoms Approach
  • Absolute Pediatric Neurology, Essential Questions and Answers, Yasser M. Awaad
  • Neuropädiatrie, 6. Auflage Angela Kaindl, Science Uni-Med
  • Neurologia pediatrica: Dalle basi biologiche alla pratica clinica – Martino Ruggieri
  • Caraballo RH, Campistol Plana J, Gonzalez Rabelino G, Eds. Neuropediatría Fundamentos Prácticos, 1ª Edición. Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2023. ISBN 9789500696968

Format: the EPNS Exam was in electronic format. Multiple choice with Kprim and A questions

Number of questions:  100 questions.

Equipment needed: it was essential that each participant brought their own fully charged laptop or iPad, where they could get access to the local WLAN system. Devices had to be fully charged with a charger in case batteries ran out.

Results: participants were notified of the outcome of the EPNS Exam by email after the EPNS Congress.

Feedback: it is not possible, under any circumstances, to receive feedback about the EPNS Exam questions or EPNS Exam results. Candidates got their personal results overall, but no detailed information on special questions.

Certificate: successful candidates received a certificate

Retaking: It is possible for candidates who do not achieve the pass mark to retake the exam in future years.

Confidentiality: the EPNS Exam results are personal and will not be shared with anybody but the participant.

Cancellation policy:

  • If the candidate cancels their participation in the EPNS Exam 2025 after registration payment has been paid, the candidate will not be automatically eligible for a refund.
  • If the EPNS is forced to cancel the EPNS Exam 2025 as a result of events arising which are outside of their control, the EPNS will not meet the costs of any pre booked accommodation or travel. It is recommended candidates have appropriate travel insurance.

Mandatory Rules:

  • Candidates must not use any of my electronic devices for any other function than accessing the EPNS Exam and going through the EPNS Exam. They must not get into online databases, knowledge etc. to search for answers to the exam questions.
  • Candidates must not copy (neither by writing, nor taking pictures of the screen etc.) any of the questions which will be presented during the EPNS Exam.
  • Candidates must answer all the questions by their own knowledge, without any help from the outside.

Breaching the EPNS Exam rules:

  • If the EPNS discovers a candidate has violated any of the EPNS Exam requirements which the candidate agreed to at registration whilst the EPNS Exam is taking place, the candidate will be immediately asked to leave the Exam room.
  • If before, during or after the EPNS Exam has taken place, the EPNS discovers a candidate has violated any of the EPNS Exam requirements which the candidate agreed to at registration, the candidate will lose all EPNS certifications and may be barred from taking or retaking any EPNS Exam in the future. The EPNS may choose to terminate any EPNS membership status and the EPNS reserves the right to inform the candidate’s relevant regularity office of any action taken.