We are pleased to announce that as from today you can renew your EPNS membership by paying your 2020 EPNS annual subscription fee.

Below is a summary of the EPNS annual subscription fees and it is with great pleasure we can confirm that all fees remain the same as they were in 2019.


Online only Journal


Printed Journal

Category WB4A: World Bank Class 4 nations not WB4B* 130 Euros 160 Euros
Category WB4B*: World Bank Class 4 nations: Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain 65 Euros 95 Euros
Category WB123**: World Bank Class 1, 2 or 3 nation 30 Euros 60 Euros
Category Trainee: Trainee member any nation 20 Euros 50 Euros


Here is the up to date list of countries which the World Bank have classified as Class 4 nations  World Bank list of high income economies 2020 If your country does not appear on this list, this means, you will pay the discounted Category WB123 nation fee.**

We know our members are busy people and payments of this nature can easily be forgotten….so why not act now and make your 2020 fee payment TODAY?

  • Payment: can be made via either:
    • EPNS website http://www.epns.info/ by selecting the orange  ‘Member Area’ button on the Home Page
    • Bank transfer.
  • More Details: Please click on this link  epns questions and answers 2020 for more information about the annual subscription fee payment methods, including the EPNS bank account number, and other useful information.

If you have any further queries about your EPNS membership, please do not hesitate to send Sue Hargreaves, our EPNS Membership Secretary by emailing info@epns.info and she will be very happy to help you.

Thank you for your support, and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you peace and happiness now and throughout the coming new year.


With our best wishes

Sameer Zuberi (EPNS President)

Michel Willemsen  (EPNS Treasurer)

Finbar O’Callaghan (Chair of the EPNS Membership, Public Relations and Website Committee)