As a result of a collaboration project, the EPNS and Mac Keith Press are offering interactive online learning courses based on: 2nd edition Principle and Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy

Significantly discounted registration fees for all EPNS trainee/resident members!

Register today: Scroll down for more information.

Editor: Colin Kennedy Assistant Editors: Gian Paolo Ciaffoni, Leena Haataja, Richard Newton, Thomas Sejersen and Jane Williams. Authors: distinguished experts drawn from all over Europe and the emphasis throughout is on clinical methods, the use of appropriate investigations and treatments, and the avoidance of unnecessary or potentially harmful interventions.

  • Complements your clinical training to improve knowledge and clinical practice.
  • Interact with the material by answering reflective activities to create a digital workbook.
  • Test your knowledge with a Multiple-Choice Questionnaire.
  • Read further with references & free access to videos & 6 classic paediatric neurology textbooks.
  • Receive a PDF certificate on completion

Principles of Child Neurology in Infancy CLICK HERE to learn more

Sets out in a succinct format the description of basic definitions used in classification of paediatric neurologic diseases, principles of working with families, of clinical assessment, of screening, vaccination, use of investigations and treatments, and of evidence-based medicine.

Clinical Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy CLICK HERE to learn more

An up-to-date summary of current clinical practice in paediatric neurology, covers a wide range of clinical scenarios, and provides authoritative advice from distinguished experts who present an accessible, symptom-based approach to clinical problems and their management. 

Who are the online courses for? 

Particularly useful for paediatric neurologists, paediatricians, neurologists, and other health professionals involved in the care of children with neurological problems. The emphasis on clinical assessment and the inclusion of some tropical diseases renders the course relevant to all regions of the world including those where resources for health care are limited.

Feedback received

‘“The course was well structured with so many practical useful tips explained in a simple interesting way… The free books and videos along with the course were a boon as they contain so much useful information. “  “Books by Mackeith press have always been indispensable for Developmental Paediatricians. The course “Principles of Child neurology in Infancy” stood up to the standards as well. “

How do I register?

  • Principles of Child Neurology in Infancy CLICK HERE
  • Clinical Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy CLICK HERE

Fee for Online Courses

Fully paid EPNS members are entitled to significant discounts. See below fee table for explanation.


Single Course (1 or 2) 2 Course Package (both 1 and 2)
EPNS TRAINEE/resident members all nations see below* € 30  € 50 
EPNS members WB4A € 100  € 143 
EPNS members WB4B and WB123 € 60  € 110 
ALL Non EPNS members € 165 (no coupon code) 220 (no coupon code)


If you are a fully paid EPNS member, please email and request a coupon code so you can pay the reduced fee.

When emailing please state if you wish to purchase a single course or a 2 course package’

The coupon code must be input at check-out.

NOTE: coupon codes used will be verified and access can be revoked. Euro prices are subject to exchange rate conversion from GBP fees given on the Mac Keith Press website

Payment is for 12 months access with the option to renew access at 50% discount.

The DISCOUNTED EPNS MEMBER fee paid depends on the EPNS membership fee category system.

  • EPNS TRAINEE/resident* = any fully paid EPNS Trainee/resident member from any country. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED AS A TRAINEE/resident MEMBER ON THE EPNS DATABASE TO QUALIFY FOR THIS DISCOUNTED RATE, WITH AN UP-TO-DATE TUTOT LETTER OF SUPPORT. Email for confirmation if required.

If you are an EPNS member but not a trainee/resident, the fee for the Online courses depends on the country where you practice. Refer to this list and the definitions below. World Bank list of high income economies 2021

  • WB123 = all countries not on the above list
  • WB4B = all countries highlighted in yellow on the above list
  • WB4A = all countries on the above list, except those highlighted in yellow

EPNS member discount: To take advantage APPLY TO BECOME AN EPNS MEMBER or email for more information.

Course delivery:

The course is accessed online and is hosted on a Moodle learning platform.

  • Logging in will give access to the course learning material split into subject Topics. Within each Topic you can interact with the material by answering Reflective Activities. Your answers will be compiled into your digital workbook that can be saved as a PDF. The end of each Topic will allow you to test your knowledge with a Multiple-Choice Questionnaire.
  • Each topic is supported by reference papers for further reading and the useful resources section provides free access to six classic paediatric neurology text books.
  • The course can be worked through at a rate comfortable to you as there is no start or end date for completion. The course is open to you for 12 months and renewal of access is possible. When you have fulfilled all requirements, you will receive a PDF certificate confirming your completion of the course. 

Check out the video below for a flavour of what to expect.:

For more detailed information:

CLICK HERE  or email

Watch the following 10-minute podcast: